Feature Q+A: Allana Parks from Elixir Hair Studio

Learn how Allana Parks increased salon profits using SalonScale at Elixir Hair Studio. Get insights & tips for your salon's success!

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We had a chance to catch up with Allana Parks, Salon Owner of Elixir Hair Studio in St. Albert, AB. One of our #salonscalemovement champions, Allana took the plunge and implemented SalonScale in her salon and hasn’t looked back since.

SalonScale: How long have you been a Salon Scale salon/user for?

Allana: I’ve been using SalonScale since September 2018, but fully implemented it to my clients and entire salon December 1, 2018.

SalonScale: How long did it take for you to start seeing the profit in your Salon go up?

Allana: Pretty much immediately! We ran SalonScale as a pilot test for almost two months before fully implementing it to the staff and clients to make sure we had all the kinks out and everyone was comfortable with using it. It really makes a difference!

SalonScale: What advice would you give to yourself as a new salon owner now?

Allana: Don’t listen to all the other noise around you! You set out with a vision of what you wanted in the first place so continue to follow that no matter what anyone else says, and get SalonScale the day you open haha.

SalonScale: What was the hardest part about implementing SalonScale?

Allana: The fear! Definitely the fear of how the staff would adjust, as it does take a little more time to get used to in the beginning. I was also nervous for how clients would react to adding an extra charge to their bill, but that’s why having a conversation about it is so important. And turns out that all of our guests were totally on board when we explained exactly what SalonScale is and how it works and how it benefits them.

SalonScale: What was the biggest light bulb moment for you, during your trial period that you decided “I need this”?

Allana: Seeing the first total product cost on a balayage service and doing a comparison of the numbers I was currently charging. You think you have a pretty clear idea of whats being used for a service but to see the total cost on the scale was my deciding factor to fully implement the system to my team and our guests.

SalonScale: Do you have a role model in the industry? Or someone in general?  

Allana: I look up to so many people, both in and out of the industry. I feel so grateful for all of the creative and hard working people in my life and the knowledge they have shared with me! Pamela Adam (@pameladoeshair) is a local fave, and my parents of course are number one!

SalonScale: What is your favourite feature on our App?

Allana: I LOVE the new “Add a new bowl” feature!

SalonScale: Why would you recommend SalonScale to other Owners and Stylists?

Allana: Why wouldn’t I?! Because no matter what there’s always a grey area for stylists when it comes to product charges, and SalonScale completely removes that.

SalonScale: What is your favourite trend right now?

Allana: Lived-in hair. I love how organic everything is right now. I’m diggin all the honey tones! It’s so nice to see warmth coming back, which not only adds a glow and contour to the hair but warms up your complexion as well! Who doesn’t wanna glow?

SalonScale: How did you motivate your team to use Salon Scale?

Allana: I was completely transparent with them about the reality I was living in as far as colour costs go, and honestly they were just as shocked at the numbers so that was enough motivation for them. It also helped clear up pricing questions that my team members would have when they performed a service that took longer than anticipated or more colour than they would normally use etc.

SalonScale: What service did you discover that you were undercharging for?

Allana: Colour corrections. Whoa mama are those waaaay more than you’d ever expect!  

SalonScale: What are your favourite products at the moment?

Allana: I’m obsessed with anything Evo right now. I absolutely love not only the product but the company as a whole is just amazing!

Check out Elixir Hair Studio’s website to learn about upcoming classes and featuring trends on their blog!